Providing Architects and Clients with Independent Consulting Services…
Spec Consultants provides Architects and Clients with Independent Consulting Services. Our goal is to provide exceptional service by listening to the client’s needs and producing documents that meet their needs. Our team is able to provide services that include Specification Writing, Digital Drawing Design, Security Elevations Design and Door & Hardware Specification Writing for Construction Projects. Our team of Architectural Hardware Consultants have more than 20 years of experience and will help to provide deliverables on time and correct.

Spec Consultants is a fee-based, independent specification consulting company.
Spec Consultants works with Clients and provides services that include:
- Specification Writing Services for Construction Projects
- Division 08 Door Hardware Consulting Service
- Specification Writing by a team of Independent Architectural Hardware Consultants
- Third Party Review of Company or Project specifications
- Jobsite Pre and Post Installation Services
- Product Installation and Punch-List Review
- Submittal Review Services
- Integration with Autodesk Revit
- Master Specifications written for Building Materials Companies
- Security Elevation Design

- Architectural Hardware Consultant
- Associate AIA
- Certified Documents Technologist
- LEED Accredited Professional

Spec Consultants, LLC
Matthew Lewis, AHC, Assoc AIA, CDT, CSI, LEED AP
Principal – Spec Consultants
Office: 203-417-1144
[email protected]